Performance Improvement Solutions

Direct Remark assists clients identify the specific operational levers of improved supply chain performance within the unique context of their own operations, strategy and operating constraints. Based on the opportunities identified, we design and implement a practical program of supported change to achieve the economic benefits projected, which typically include:

  • Reduced supply chain costs
  • Reduced cash requirements
  • Improved customer service: orders filled on time, completely and accurately
  • Improved response time and operating flexibility
  • Reductions in liquidations, mark-downs and lost sales

Our performance improvement solutions span multiple business processes, including product development, procurement, manufacturing, distribution, logistics, sales and post-sales support. Our primary services include:

Performance Improvement Strategy: We perform a 360-degree assessment of a company's supply chain and its ability to meet the client's strategic and financial objectives. The assessment includes the company's strategy, cross-enterpise business processes, organization, technologies and competencies. Improvement opportunities are identified and prioritized, and crafted into an achievable strategy for business transformation.

Customer Collaboration: We assist suppliers meet increasing demands from their customers by identifying strategies and innovative approaches to increase customer service, reduce costs, and create "win win" business outcomes for both partners. Direct Remark applies a proven framework for assessing customer-facing processes and decision making to assess the areas for improvement. We use historical data to model and demonstrate the benefits from implementing new supplier strategies, such as vendor managed inventory and quick response. We assist suppliers gain the support of their customers.

Supply Chain Design & Optimization: We assist clients determine the optimal structure for their supply chain to meet strategic business objectives. We use industry knowledge and best practices to construct alternative scenarios, then test the relative merits of each using analytical tools for supply chain modeling and simulation. We assist clients select the most desirable supply chain architecture and specify the blue print for change, which may include organizational and process changes, facility investments, target capacities and inventories, enabing technologies and changes to partner roles.

Data Quality Management: Direct Remark uses advanced data profiling and analysis tools to identify the source of data quality failures in mutl-enterprise supply chains. By identifying the source of quality failures and reengineering data creation processes through a program of targeted interventions, we can significantly improve the quality of a company's data assets, and improve decision making for supply chain partners.

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